Vegas Pick ups from LostinGlass

We arrived in Vegas a day early so we could get first dibs on some sick shit for our customers. People were still setting up and settling in. We made some calls to make sure it was OK and headed over to *****. It seriously was the best day for us. We got to hang out with our industry friends, eat some homemade edibles and drink some home brewed double bock. Best of all, we got to preview a lot of the work that'd be for sale in the upcoming shows. When I say preview, I mean Kulture was writing orders and cherry picking heady glass for our shops and our customers' enjoyment. Some of my favorite early pickups are the ones we got from Lostinglass. The old timer, glass corn cob pipes are sure to be a hit. The onies we picked up have multiple sections and rival any other heady chills we've gotten before. Actually they blow them away IMO! Last but not least is a Rasta themed bubbler. It has two disc sections. One on the bottom and another on the mouthpiece. The can has two stacked bowtie sections and the neck is a twist of red, gold and green cane.

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