Connecting RVA (CRVA) interview w/ Carter Baldwin FLASHBANG RVA

Check out the interview our good friends over at CRVA just did with Carter Baldwin for the upcoming EDM party FLASHBANG RVA at Mansion located at 534 N. Harrison St. Friday November 8th 10pm - 2am. Bringing you 2 floors and 4 hours of sound, lighting, and deco in what’s sure to be one of the hottest parties of the year! Music By DJ Carter Baldwin, DJ Rayvon and DJ Ghozt. GENERAL ADMISSION $5 Before 11pm and $10 After 11pm. VIP ALL ACCESS $10 for 21+ and $15 for 18. Check out Connecting RVA and follow them on Facebook --> CRVA
Follow FlashBangRVA on Facebook --> FLASHBANG RVA


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